● Demand Estimation with Missing Data: An Application to Cloud Computing
Joint with Shuang Wang and Aadharsh Kannan (revisions requested)
● The Impacts Clustered Attrition on Retention and Performance
Joint with Arman Khachiyan
● Data-Driven Deployments for Efficient Cloud Operations
Joint with Ludwig Dierks, Aadharsh Kannan, and Thomas Moscibroda
● The Welfare Effects of Subscription for Digital Goods: The Case of Video Games
Joint with Carol Hengheng Lu (in progress)
Gilbert, B., LaRiviere, J., and Novan, K. (2022) Uncertainty and Additionality in Energy Efficiency Programs , Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 115: 102700.
LaRiviere, J. and Lyu, X. (2022) Transmission Constraints, Intermittent Renewables and Welfare, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 112: 102618.
Kannan, A., LaRiviere, J. and McAfee, P. (2021) Characterizing the Usage Intensity of Public Cloud, Transactions on Economics and Computation, 9(3): 1-18.
Cunnigham, B., LaRiviere, J., and Wichman, C. (2021) Clustered into Control: Heterogeneous Causal Impacts of Water Infrastructure Failure, Economic Inquiry, early print.
Chang, P., LaRiviere, J., and Thorpe, J. (2021) Time, Comfort and Preferences for Shared Transit, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(2).
Johnson, R., LaRiviere, J. and Wolff, H. (2019) Fracking, Coal and Air Quality, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6(5): 1001-1037.
Holladay, S., LaRiviere J., Novgorodsky, D. and Price, M. (2019) Prices versus Nudges: What Matters for Search Versus Purchase of Energy Investments? Journal of Public Economics, 172: 151-173.
LaRiviere, J., McMahon, M., and Roush, J. (2019) Second Best Prioritization of Environmental Cleanups, Environmental and Resource Economics, 72(4): 1225-1249.
Holladay, S. and LaRiviere, J. (2018) How Does Welfare from Load Shifting Electricity Policy Vary with Market Prices? Evidence from Bulk Storage and Electricity Generation, Energy Journal, 39(6).
Simpson, K., Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., and LaRiviere, J. (2018) What is the Causal Effect of Knowledge on Preferences? Resource and Energy Economics, 54(1):69-89.
Carson, R. and LaRiviere, J. (2018) Structural Uncertainty and Pollution Control: Optimal Stringency with Unknown Pollution Sources, Environmental and Resource Economics, 71(2): 337-355.
LaRiviere, J., McMahon, M., and Neilson, W. (2018) Agency Problems and Dividend Policies: Experimental Evidence, Management Science, 64(7): 3108-3128.
LaRiviere, J., Kling, D., Sanchirico, J., Sims, C., and Springborn, M. (2018) The Treatment of Uncertainty and Learning in the Economics of Natural Resource and Environmental Management, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 12(1): 92-112.
Chu, Y., Holladay, S., and LaRiviere, J. (2017) Opportunity Cost Pass-through from Fossil Fuel Market Prices to Procurement Costs of the U.S. Power Producers, Journal of Industrial Economics, 65(4): 842-871.
Holladay, S. and LaRiviere, J. (2017) The Impact of Cheap Natural Gas on Marginal Emissions from Electricity Generation and Implications for Energy Policy, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 85: 205-227.
Jacobsen, M., LaRiviere, J., and Price, M. (2017) Public Policy and the Private Provision of Public Goods Under Heterogeneous Preferences, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(1): 243-280.
Boettiger, C., Bode, M., Sanchirico, J., LaRiviere, J., Hastings, A. and Armsworth, P. (2016) Optimal Stochastic Resource Management with Costly Policy Adjustment. Ecological Applications, 26(3): 808-817.
Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., and LaRiviere, J. (2016). Controlling for the Effects of Information in a Public Goods Discrete Choice Model. Environmental and Resource Economics. 63(3): 523-544.
LaRiviere, J. and Wolff, H. (2015). The Power of the Little Blue Pill: Innovations and Implications of Life Style Drugs in an Aging Population. Economic Inquiry. 53(1): 540-556.
Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., and LaRiviere, J. (2015). The Effects of Experience on Preferences: Theory and Empirics for Environmental Public Goods. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(1): 333-351.
LaRiviere, J., Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Aanesen, M., Falk-Petersen, J. and Tinch, D. (2014). The Value of Familiarity: Effects Knowledge and Objective Signals on Willingness to Pay for a Public Good. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(2): 376-389.
Cozad, M. and LaRiviere, J. (2013). Fuel Price Changes and the Timing of Household Driving Decisions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 65(2): 194-207.
Fissel, B., Gilbert, B., and LaRiviere, J. (2013). Technology Adoption and Diffusion with Uncertainty in a Commons. Economics Letters, 120(2): 297-301.